Belief is one of the most powerful forces on Earth—it shapes our actions, choices, and even our destiny.
So, another day, another story, and another exciting journey!
Welcome back!
Today, we’re diving into the incredible power of beliefs and a positive attitude.
Together, we’ll explore how beliefs shape our reality and Discover seven transformative core beliefs that can completely change your life.
What a belief is.
In simple words, belief is the ability to put enough focus and energy into an idea/thought so that it influences your behavior, whether consciously or unconsciously.
For example:
If you believe you aren’t smart, you will probably not pursue your biggest dreams!
So what is the difference between a thought and a belief?
Even though thoughts and beliefs are different, they are nevertheless interconnected and feed each other!
- Thoughts crystalize into beliefs when they are given enough attention over time!
- Beliefs generate thoughts, which further strengthen those beliefs.
If you keep thinking of a specific thought, you’ll begin to form the corresponding belief!
Once a belief has crystallized, it will generate corresponding thoughts!
The Origins of Beliefs
Have you ever wondered how your beliefs were created in the first place?
The answer is simple. Your beliefs were formed through:
- Your Inner self-talk, and
- Any input you received from the external world(and how you interpreted that input)
Let’s look at these components for a moment.
1: Your inner self-talk
While thoughts have no power in and of themselves, if you entertain specific thoughts over and over, and for long enough, they begin to turn into beliefs.
And the more you repeat these thoughts, the stronger the associated beliefs will become!
The simple truth is this: What you keep telling yourself tends to become your reality over time.
“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.”
– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Poet.
2: Any input from the external world
A majority of your beliefs were shaped during your childhood and come from external influences, which could be your parents, family members, classmates, teachers, or the media!
For example, if your parents struggled with money, you may have developed a scarcity mindset.
To change your beliefs, you must:
- Change your self-talk
- Choose your environment more consciously!
Remember, belief is a skill that you have access to and can develop the same way as anybody else.
You don’t need anyone’s permission to use the power of belief!
Belief distorts reality
The ability to believe is your superpower.
The power of belief can enable you to bend reality to your will-at least, that’s how it may feel to you!
Beliefs can Distort Reality by:
- Changing how you think, feel, and act, opens doors to countless opportunities that didn’t exist before!
- Turning your subconscious into a powerful ally!
- Influencing people around you.
- Inspiring People!
Let’s go over these four points in more depth!
1. Belief changes the way you think, feel and act
Adopting empowering beliefs impacts the way you think, which triggers new feelings and leads you to take different actions.
In turn, these actions enable you to achieve better results.
In short, belief allows you to distort your “reality” by introducing new ways of thinking that enhance your field of possibilities.
For instance, if you believe you can always become better at everything you do, you’ll look for ways to improve.
You can do this by asking for feedback, tweaking your approach, finding a mentor, or just by trying one more time.
2. Belief turns your subconscious into a powerful ally
Another side of having empowering beliefs is that your subconscious will start working for you.
When you have strong convictions, your subconscious will strive to close the gap between your current situation and what you want to become true.
For example, if you’re convinced you can design a fulfilling career, your subconscious will look for opportunities to make that belief come true.
3. Belief influences people around you
Another reason belief is so important is because it influences your environment.
You can use the power of belief not only to impact your thoughts, feelings, and actions but also to influence every single person you meet.
4. Belief inspires people
As you apply the power of belief, you’ll find yourself in a better position to inspire the people around you.
You’ll understand that no matter what their narrative may be, they also can believe, figure things out, and achieve most of their goals.
You’ll stop seeing people for who they currently are.
Instead, you’ll see them for who they could become once they remove their mental blocks and their self-imposed limitations.
Beliefs act as pillars.
When these pillars are strong, no external events can shatter them.
You can listen to people but remain unaffected by their judgments.
You may encounter failures or crises but keep believing in yourself.
If you fall victim to self-doubt, you’ll achieve far less than you are capable of achieving!
Belief Makes The Impossible Possible.
You may have been told to be realistic, but have you ever considered what being realistic actually means?
This concept is subjective.
For instance, what you believe you can do and what I believe I can do may vary significantly.
These variations largely depend on our individual levels of self-belief, our unique experiences, and our specific skills, along with other factors.
My advice is: don’t let other people tell you what you can or cannot do. Their opinion is irrelevant.
Stop waiting for other people’s approval to pursue your goals.
You don’t need their permission to start living the life you want.
Forget about other people’s definitions of “realistic”. Instead, use the power of belief to make the seemingly impossible, possible.
Confidence vs. Arrogance
Bruce Lee used the power of belief to cultivate an unshakeable confidence.
In January 1969, 28-year-old Bruce Lee was a minor TV star in the United States.
He was a father of two and had little financial security.
At this time, he wrote the following mission statement:
My Denite Chief Aim I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest-paid Oriental superstar in the United States. In return, I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting in 1970, I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.
Bruce Lee
Jan. 1969″
In his own words, this unshakeable confidence went beyond even faith:
“I feel I have this great creative and spiritual force within me that is greater than faith, greater than ambition, greater than confidence, greater than determination, greater than vision. It is all these combined. My brain becomes magnetized with this domination force that I hold in my hand.”
Similarly, the boxer, Muhammad Ali, said, “I’m the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” By broadcasting to the world who he was (or wanted to be), he started creating his reality.
Of course, this kind of self-talk doesn’t automatically turn someone into the greatest boxer or martial artist in the world, but it is the foundation.
Nothing is wrong with building rock-solid confidence.
People Act According to their Beliefs!
Identifying your limiting beliefs
Most of the things holding you back are excuses.
These excuses are preventing you from improving your life.
They mostly hold power because you accept them as true or as valid in your situation!
Remember, Most of the limitations are self-imposed. They are false identities you accept as true.
You don’t need to be special to make money, you simply need to understand how money works, develop a healthy relationship with it, and, more importantly, believe in yourself for long enough until you achieve your goals.
Integrating Your New Beliefs
“Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself!”
-Tobert Collier, Author.
Finally, you want to integrate your new beliefs to make them part of your identity.
You can do this by:
- Writing them down and looking at them regularly.
- Thinking about them often.
- Acting in a way that strengthens them.
- Thinking of all the reasons why they are accurate.
- Thinking of all the reasons why you want them to be true.
1. Write down your empowering beliefs
The first thing I suggest you to write your beliefs down.
The simple act of writing things down can be beneficial in two ways.
First, it forces you to process your thoughts and put them on paper clearly and articulately. This alone brings clarity.
Second, it makes them more real to you.
When you write things down, it’s as though you are turning something intangible, like a thought, into something more real, like a specific intention, a clear goal, et cetera.
Therefore, write down the empowering beliefs you want to replace your limiting beliefs with.
When you do so, make sure you:
- State your beliefs in the present tense.
- Avoid using negatives and state your beliefs in the positive form (e.g., say “I’m courageous” rather than “I’m no longer afraid”)
- Add power to your affirmation by changing your physiological state (e.g., engage your body and experiment with different vocal tones)
- Use the power of visualization and see yourself in specific situations that relate to your belief, then try to feel as though you already have what you want (see the section Using the power of visualization).
Some examples of empowering beliefs are:
- I make the time to do whatever I’m committed to.
- If others can, I can.
- I’m the most persistent person I know.
- I’m worthy of love.
- I’m as capable as anyone else.
2. Think about your empowering beliefs often
The next step is to think about your empowering beliefs repeatedly until they become part of your identity.
For example, a good idea is to put your beliefs on paper and display that piece of paper somewhere you can see it every day, whether it be on your wall, work desk, or bedside table.
3. Act according to your beliefs
Behave according to your beliefs as often as possible.
For instance, to strengthen the belief “I find the time to do whatever I’m committed to”, make sure you release time to work on things that matter to you.
Of course, thinking of your beliefs often will also help you act accordingly by creating a positive feedback loop.
Remember, you’re creating a new identity here, so think of all the ways someone embodying that identity would behave.
If your new identity is “I’m a healthy person”, ask yourself what a healthy person does.
For instance, a healthy person might:
- Walk every day instead of taking the bus.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Drink water at every meal instead of soda.
4. Think of the reasons your beliefs are accurate
Another activity you can engage in regularly is to list all the reasons your beliefs are accurate.
For instance, if your new belief is “I can always become better”, you can list the reasons that demonstrate this belief is true.
I can always become better because:
- I have access to tons of resources online and can learn from them.
- I can keep practicing and learning from the feedback.
- I can find mentors or coaches who will help me improve.
- I can join mastermind groups with people who will inspire me.
- I’ve already improved in many ways and can repeat that process.
- I can work on my weaknesses, and so on.
As you repeatedly think of the reasons your beliefs are true, you’ll begin to integrate them more deeply into your life.
5. Remind yourself of the reasons you want your beliefs to be true
Even if you don’t think your new belief is perfectly accurate, you can still nd reasons to reinforce it to make it “truer”.
For instance, if you want to develop more determination, but don’t believe you have any, think of past examples that demonstrate your determination and “grit”.
I’m tenacious because:
- As a teenager, I worked odd jobs for months to save up for that one thing I wanted.
- I failed that exam three times, but I kept taking it until I finally passed.
- I kept practicing the piano until I was able to play that difficult song, and so on.
The Moment you choose to believe, you can change your reality by altering your thoughts is the moment you gain control over your life!
Seven Core Beliefs That Will Transform Your Life Completely!
Belief #1—The universe is on your side
What’s the point of trying if you believe everything is against you?
If this is the way you think, you’ll have a difficult time attaining the long-term results you desire.
One of the foundational beliefs you must adopt to develop unshakeable confidence is the understanding that the universe is on your side.
Things aren’t happening to you but for you.
Imagine if such a belief was at the core of everything you did.
How would this improve the quality of your existence?
Belief #2—If others can, I can
Another foundational belief is, that if other people can, you can too.
We often believe others are better than us.
We put successful people on a pedestal while denying ourselves the possibility that we can achieve similar results.
However, this is often not the case.
We have our strengths and weaknesses, but if others can do something, we can do it too.
We are as capable as they are.
Perhaps, we just failed to realize how hard they worked.
Belief #3—You can always improve
Do you feel as though you aren’t good enough?
Do you doubt your ability to learn a new skill or gain the experience you need to make progress toward your goals?
We all fall prey to doubts.
We all wonder whether we can complete a difficult project or achieve an ambitious goal.
But our temporary self-doubts don’t have to stop us from building confidence and achieving our biggest goals over time.
Another fundamental belief you must adopt is the belief you can improve. Your aptitudes are not limited or set in stone.
Your potential isn’t maxed out yet.
You still have plenty of room to improve.
Consequently, rather than feeling you’re not good enough, understand that you’re not good enough yet.
The “yet” here is key.
It changes your perspective. Instead of focusing on the “not good enough”, you will focus on the “not yet” part. Instead of suffering from your current situation, you will become excited about what lies ahead of you.
You will begin to enjoy the process of continuous improvement.
You will think over the longer term and keep improving day after day.
Yes, you’re probably right: you’re not good enough to achieve your biggest goals yet, but you eventually will be. This is inevitable.
Belief #4—If you can do something once, you can repeat the process
What if you knew with absolute certainty that if you could do a task one time, you could replicate your success almost endlessly?
How much would that boost your confidence?
Here is the truth: if you can do something one time, you can do it again.
Belief #5—You can figure things out
Within yourself, you can figure things out.
This ability to find solutions to your problems is inherent to being human and can never be taken away from you.
If you currently feel powerless, it may be that you haven’t learned to trust yourself enough to believe you can solve your problems.
The point is, that humans are natural problem solvers.
We are designed to find innovative ways to solve challenges.
Therefore, one of the most empowering beliefs we can adopt is the belief we can figure things out.
Whatever challenges we may be facing, know that we’re resourceful enough to find a solution.
And if we can’t find a solution, it’s not a problem, but something we must accept and live with.
Belief #6—Failure is inevitable
No successful human being was ever able to accomplish anything significant without facing repeated failures.
Consequently, failure isn’t something to dread or to avoid at all costs, but something to learn from.
The difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is often determined by the meaning they give to “failure”.
Successful people embrace failure and perceive every setback as a learning opportunity.
They use failures as feedback to improve their knowledge and move closer to their goals.
Conversely, other people tend to be afraid of failure and do whatever they can to avoid it.
Belief #7—Your success is inevitable
Failure is inevitable, but so is success.
The more you fail, the more likely you are to succeed.
Armed with the fundamental beliefs mentioned previously, you now understand why success might be inevitable for you.
As a reminder, these core beliefs are:
- You can use your thoughts to shape your reality
- If others can, you can
- You can always improve
- If you can do something once, you can do it again
- You can figure things out
- Failure is inevitable (and leads to long-term success).
Once you truly believe success is inevitable, you’ll begin to think, feel, and act differently.
You’ll be much more determined and much more committed to achieving the goals you’re pursuing. That’s the power of this belief.
The Belief Formula
Empowering environment + repeating action + intense desire + willingness to face discomfort = Unshakeable Belief.
- Empowering environment: This is putting yourself in a favorable environment that enables you to perform at your best. (We are the average of five people we spend most time with)
- Repeated action: Taking action can solve a lot of problems including a lack of self-confidence. It is what allows you to reinforce your core beliefs so you can cultivate greater confidence over time.
- Intense desire: Desire is key to any achievement. You must understand why believing in yourself and your vision is so important so that you can strengthen your conviction and boost your confidence over time.
- Willingness to face discomfort: Fear and discomfort are mostly illusions created by your mind. The repeated exposure to fear through concrete action enables you to get a glimpse of your true nature (i.e., the confident and capable person you inherently are as a human being). As you begin to face your fears, you will access a new world of opportunity, realizing that what you thought impossible might not be.
The Four Motivators To Build Sustainable Motivation
1. Love
A sincere desire to contribute to the world and make a difference in people’s lives will keep you pumped up as you work toward your goal. When you have a compelling vision inspired by love, you’ll be fueled by this vision and the excitement you’ll feel about the impact you’re making.
2. Desire
Desire is different from love in that it’s not about contributing to other people. Instead, it focuses on designing the life you want for yourself. It’s about living life on your terms. Having goals that excite you will bolster your motivation significantly. You’ll feel connected to your goals, to the point that reminding yourself of what you’ll gain from working on them should keep you going.
3. Pain
Nobody wants to suffer, and we spend a lot of time shying away from pain. When used intelligently, pain can be an effective tool to motivate you when you’d rather do nothing.
4. Ego
The Ego can also be a powerful motivator. You can use your desire to be successful, to feel loved, or to prove those who didn’t believe in you wrong, to your advantage. For example, you might feel a surge of motivation when you think of how proud your parents will be when you succeed.
Belief is your ultimate superpower.
It shapes your reality, fuels your actions, and helps you inspire others.
When you consciously choose empowering beliefs, you transform the way you think, act, and interact with the world.
By nurturing beliefs that uplift and propel you forward, you can achieve the extraordinary and bring out the best in yourself and those around you.
I would like to congratulate you on reading this article until the end!
By now you should have developed a solid understanding of what the power of belief is and how you can use it to transform your life.
Remember, nobody can take away your ability to believe in yourself and your vision; you can only neglect it or forget about it!
I hope you’ll use the power of belief to develop unwavering confidence and move closer to your ideal future life. I also hope you will use it to inspire anyone to cultivate their underutilized ability to believe.
That’s all for today! I’ll catch you tomorrow with another exciting lesson.
Stay curious and keep learning! 🌟
Unknown January 27, 2025
I would like to say that u write down a very great nd impressing lesson that really impressed or inspired me ! Keep sending me more🙂