“You Have To Be A Winner Internally Before You Can Be One Externally”
Do you agree? If yes, then let me share more insights on the power of positive thinking and attitude!
This article is going to be a bit different and in-depth! (you will find a lot of stories😜)
Let me tell you a Fact:
A person with a positive attitude cannot be stopped. A person with a negative attitude cannot be helped. In other words, a person with a positive attitude is unstoppable!
Acquiring Facts is Knowledge, interpreting facts is understanding, and the proper application of facts is Wisdom. An idea dies unless it is acted upon. The best idea will not work unless we work on the idea!
What do we need to be happy??
In order to be happy we need three things, Health, Wealth, and Good Relationships!
– Health: People who lack good health, can they be happy? NO!
– Wealth: Those who say it is not important are either stupid or billionaires.
– Good Relationships: Without good relationships, people feel a void in their lives, which can lead to either insecurities or loneliness. I have never seen a person who has nasty relationships being truly happy!
If any one of the three above goes missing, how can we have happiness And if anyone can be happy under such circumstances, he is an exceptional!
If we want to be successful and happy, then we must become students and study the lives of successful people in depth!
If we want to be healthy, we must study the principles of good health.
If we want to become wealthy, then we must study the principles of wealth.
If we want to have good relationships, we must acquire the principles of good relationships.
Where we will be five years from now will depend on whether we live by design or by default.
Most people are looking to live extraordinary lives. To some, it may also mean extraordinary income.
They need to ask themselves:
– Are they extraordinary people?
– Are they willing to work extraordinarily hard?
– Do they have extraordinary commitments?
– Do they have extraordinary relationships?
– Do they have extraordinary integrity?
At the end of our lives, we do not want to arrive at a destination that makes us feel it wasn’t of our choice.
If we end up living or doing things we did not want to do, then we’ve arrived by default not design!
To avoid regrets towards the end of one’s life, one needs to make the right kind of choices to begin with.
We need to know when to say YES and when to say NO.
Both Success and Failure have a limited lifespan. Our objective is to sustain success and eliminate Failure!
One cannot consistently achieve success without preparation.
If we want to stand out, then we have to do something outstanding or we will get lost in the crowd!
“Winners Have Will Power; Losers Have Won’t Power”
There is a saying “If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; but when character is lost, then everything is lost!”
How is it that under the same set of circumstances, some people break records, while others break themselves? The difference lies in our Character and Attitude!
It is well said that success depends 10% on what happens to us and 90% on how we respond.
What Makes a Winner?
According to an ancient tale once, an old Indian chief was teaching his grandson, imparting wisdom about the constant battle being waged within us – between the two wolves inside each of us. One is evil and the other is good. The evil one is greedy, arrogant, selfish, crooked, and egoistic. The good one is peaceful calm, happy, gracious, generous, honest, and compassionate. The grandson was confused and he asked, ‘Which wolf will win?’ The grandfather replied, ‘Son, you have a choice. Which one wins will depend on which one you feed the most.’
The worst kind of battles that ever take place are those within a person, those that are internal. To win these battles, we need to know who the real enemy is. Only once you strike the real enemy, you can overcome your internal battles!
We All Have Two Natures Within Ourselves
Nature number one wants to do what is fun and convenient, which may or may not be the right thing to do and could even be self-destructive!
Nature number two guides us to do the right things that lead us to happiness, even if they are inconvenient in the short run.
But it’s nature Nature One that predominantly takes over Nature Two. WE know things that are not good and healthy for us, that mess up our lives, but we do them anyway. Our best intentions are not good enough.
“Thinking, believing, and knowing what is good is not good enough. DOING IS!”
Diseases of Attitude
Pessimism and negativity are as dangerous or even worse than the diseases of the body—like heart issues, blood pressure, cancer, etc.
We need to learn how to handle these diseases.
Pessimistic Behaviour:
Who is a pessimist? A pessimist is well defined as someone who goes to the land of milk and honey, and the only things he can see are calories and cholesterol.
That’s a man who is obsessed with problems and is prone to problems.
Some people in the world give you a problem when you present them with a solution.
They have a problem for every solution.
A pessimist says, ‘It may be possible, but it’s too difficult’,
whereas an optimist says, ‘It may be difficult, but it’s possible’.
The pessimist focuses on the difficulty, not on the possibility.
“Achievers look for Solutions for every problem, and Losers look for a problem in every solution“
Stop Being Negative and Look for the Positive
There is an ancient tale about a king who had a close friend, who always looked at the positives in life. To anything that happened, he would say, ‘It was for the good.’ One day, the king accidentally cut his thumb and his friend, as expected, said that there must be something good in this. The king, who was in pain, lost his temper and sent him to jail.
A few months later, the king went hunting and got lost in the woods. Inside the deep forest, a tribe held him captive, to offer as a sacrifice to their gods. As the priest was tying up his hands, he noticed that the king’s thumb was missing. Being superstitious, he felt that this would be an incomplete sacrifice and would attract divine rage. He set the king free. When the king came back, he introspected on his friend’s remark on ‘everything happening for the good’ when he had lost his thumb, and felt very remorseful. He went to his friend and apologized. The king said to his friend, ‘You were right. It was because I lost my thumb in that accident, that I am alive today. But wasn’t it bad that I sent you to jail?’ The friend said, ‘No it was for the good.’ The king wanted to know what was good about it. His friend replied, ‘If you had not sent me to jail, I would have accompanied you Stop Being Negative and Look for the Positive on the hunting trip, and today I would have been the one to be sacrificed.’
If you analyze the story above, you will see that the objective is not to be fatalistic but to be optimistic.
Look for the positives.
A positive thinker is an optimist.
We cannot always change the circumstances, nor can we change the reasons or the seasons, but we can change ourselves.
How To Live Life
One day, a young executive came home with a bag full of work. He had a five-year-old boy who wanted to play with him. The executive tried to explain to him by saying, ‘Son, I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’m behind in my office.’ The son replied, ‘Dad, when we are behind in school, they put us in a lower group. Why don’t they put you in a slower group?’ The father responded, ‘No son, it doesn’t work that way in the corporate world.’ Unable to understand the reason, the child insisted on playing with his dad. The father wanted to find a way to get rid of the kid for some time so he could catch up with his work. He saw a magazine lying next to him with a picture of the world on top. He called his son, showed him the picture, tore it up into pieces, and said, ‘Son, go put this picture of the world together. When you are done, I’ll come and play with you.’ He knew this couldn’t be done easily, and even if it could, it would still take him many hours to complete. The kid went to put the map together and the father got busy with his work. Surprisingly, within a few minutes the kid came back and said, ‘Dad, I am done.’ The father was shocked and said, ‘Son I don’t believe it. I’ve got to see it.’ When the father saw that everything was indeed all done to perfection, he said, ‘Son I’ve got to learn from you. How did you do it?’ The kid said, ‘Dad it was easy. On the other side of the picture of the world was a picture of a man. All I did was put the man together, turn it upside down and the world came together.’
What appeared so complicated and time-consuming to the father was literally ’child’s play’ for the son, who came up with a very simplistic solution.
But the spirit of the story is different—when people are thinking right, things fall into place and solutions start emerging.
Life is funny. For as long as we are alive, we keep learning how to live life.
Life continuously teaches and tests us in varied situations, such as the breakdown of a relationship, a serious illness, or the loss of a loved one.
“Most People see opportunities, but very few seize them.”
Problems are a Sign of Life
There is something called Wrapped or Messed-up Thinking.
For example:
Foolish people think exercise is useless. If they’re well, they think they don’t need it.
If they’re sick, they can’t do it anyway. 😂
Two thousand years ago, Roman philosopher Cicero had said that everything in life falls into two categories.
1: Things we can do something about, and
2. Things we can do nothing about.
If we analyze Cicero’s philosophy, we will figure out that if we can do something about it, then—why worry? And if we can do nothing about it, then—why worry?
It is beyond us. What Franklin Roosevelt said just adds to the essence of Cicero’s philosophy, ‘Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.’
Often, our external circumstances are the result of our thought process.
It does not mean that we are a hundred percent in control of our circumstances.
Our life is both a result of Fate and Free Will.
1. Fate is the cards that are dealt to us (not our choice)
2. Free will is the way we play the game (our choice)
Is there a science behind being happy and successful? The answer is yes. If we accept graciously what cannot be changed, and change courageously what can be, we would be happily successful.
“Achievers Are Willing To Accept Short-Terms Pain For Long-Term Gain”
Mind Your Mind
What is Mind?
The Mind is like energy—it remains a mystery, is the least understood, and is the most wasted.
The Mind is the element that empowers a person to think, feel, reason, understand, and make judgments. It is intangible and abstract but it is for real.
Our mind is a thought factory generating either positive or negative thoughts.
We can condition our thought factory to become either like a Thermometer or a Thermostat.
A thermometer only reads the external temperature—it has no power to influence or change anything beyond that; it is totally helpless.
Whereas, a thermostat has both the ability to read and regulate.
It controls its environment.
How should our minds be—like a thermometer or a thermostat?
This is How a Thermometer Mind Works
A man wakes up in the morning, sees the bright sunshine, and feels happy and elated. But the next day, he wakes up and sees the weather damp and gloomy and feels depressed. Who is controlling his mind?
The external weather. He is helpless.
This is How a Thermostat Mind Works
AMTman wakes up in the morning, sees the bright sunshine, and feels happy and elated.
But, the next day he wakes up and sees the weather damp and gloomy, yet feels happy and elated.
Why? Because he has programmed his ‘thermostat mind’ to be happy and elated.
So no matter what the external weather is, the weather in his mind is in his control.
He is in charge of his life. If we want to have a meaningful life, we should model ourselves on a thermostat and not a thermometer.
The Power Of Mind
After a series of studies conducted with the help of the Dalai Lama in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it was found that many Tibetan monks were able to raise their skin temperature by as much as 8.3°C, whilst keeping their core temperature the same. Other studies have shown that they can actually increase their core temperature as well. This is primarily attributed to a particular meditation technique called Tummo, which involves visualizing the human body as a hollow structure of light and then using a combination of breathing control methods to slow the heart rate. This is so effective that monks have actually been documented sleeping on a rocky ledge at over 4,500 meters above sea level, apart from each other with no additional insulation beyond their robes. Allegedly, they didn’t even shiver, and we’re talking about temperatures in the region of –17°C.
Positive People Recover Fast
In an article on Healing with Positive Thinking, Dr. Ravinder Mamtani in New York, who has been leading the research in this field, says, ‘In many cases, if you have a chronic disease or illness, calming the mind will calm the disease or illness.’
Calming the mind means getting rid of negative thinking, being optimistic, and focusing on the positive aspects. Do that and you will heal yourself. All you have to do is learn how to be calm. Control and direct your mind so that you have a positive belief system and remain optimistic and you really do change your life.
Dr. Mamtani went on to find that patients who had or who developed a positive attitude and positive feelings had better outcomes and were more likely to rebound from medical setbacks.
Our mind is like a floating iceberg of which only one-seventh is visible to the eye, and the rest is all underwater. Similarly, our conscious mind is only one-seventh, and the balance of real power lies with the invisible subconscious mind.
“Our mind has the power to make heaven out of hell and hell out of heaven.”
There is a lot more!
Stay tuned! The second part of this article is on the way 🚀
Samra February 2, 2025
Very helpful and informative
Abiha February 3, 2025
Dino biro is rocking!
quite helpful article.